3+ Great Books for Sales and Marketing
Three books I find useful in launching into new markets (updated since first posted in 2009)
I am not a big reader of sales, marketing and business books. However, whenever I am working with someone who is interested in further developing their ability to sell and market, I find myself recommending the same three books.
The first is Rob Jolles book, Customer Centered Selling. It is unlikely that you have heard of this book as Rob is a relatively minor author in the field of spin/consultitive/complex selling, but I find his presentation is by far the best. He is a veteran salesman and sales trainer from Xerox. For me, there were two world class Silicon Valley companies in the Eighties: the great engineers came from HP and the great salesmen came from Xerox. While both have lost their shine in recent years, they were in their time factories for their respective talents. Rob concisely communicates sales as a science and a process for large complex consultative sales. Rob also does a great job of explaining why salesmen (real salesmen, not order takers) are a good thing for society.